Winter Safety Week
In hand with OCWSA, Governor John R. Kasich designated this week, November 13-19, 2011 as “Ohio’s Winter Safety Awareness Week”. After an uncommon snowstorm hit the New England states in October, it’s time for everyone to prepare their homes and cars for the oncoming Winter. Below are a few tips from Ohio’s public safety website.
Prepare your home for Winter- Remove low hanging branches from trees in close proximity to your home. Review your homeowner’s insurance, and also consider any additional insurance that may be needed.
Make Winter disaster kits for your home and vehicle– Store enough food and water in your home to provide for your family for at least 2 days if the power goes out, or you are not able to get to a store. Store blankets, flashlights, batteries, and warm clothing in every car you drive. Make sure to have every car in your family winterized, the tires checked, and all scheduled maintenance done before Winter sets in.
Buy a NOAA weather radio- Being knowledgeable of the current and upcoming weather could save your life.
Have a disaster plan ready for your home or business-Make sure your family or employees know where to go in case of a disaster. Practice your disaster plan with your family or business.
Being prepared is the first step to being able to respond when a disaster strikes. Click here for a Winter weather preparedness check list.