“We Care” Scholarship 2023 Winners

Author: Chris Massie June 30, 2023

We had the privilege of sorting through all the applications we received for the Swartz Restoration “We Care” Scholarship. So many quality students sent in their application for the scholarship, and we were reminded that we will be in good hands as our young people begin to take their skills and abilities into the world.

The scholarship was centered around the theme of “We Care.” “We Care” is the core motto here at Swartz Restoration, and it permeates every aspect of our business.
How we answer the phone.
How we greet you at the door.
How we work with excellence.
How we work with your insurance company.
How we speak to you even when you’ve had a bad day.

We are not your average contractor; “We Care” what your experience is like!

The idea for the scholarship arose to support and bless two students in our service area who have a heart to carry on that same “We Care” attitude as they take their next steps toward their career.

The two ladies we chose to receive the scholarship for 2023 are Marissa Beckett and Abigail Beck.

Marissa is from Ottawa-Glandorf, Ohio, and she will be attending The Ohio State University this fall. Her plan is to study genetic counseling, with the long-term goal of opening up her own genetic counseling office in her hometown. Too often, patients are sent away to the larger cities in the state, hoping to find answers to their medical issues. Opening up an office in her local hometown will allow her to serve a variety of individuals of all ages, who are seeking answers for their health.

Abigail is from Lima, Ohio, and she will be attending the University of Northwestern Ohio this fall. She will be pursuing business, with the goal of opening her own business after college. Her real passion is sharing God’s love with those around the world. She felt a calling toward global missions when she was younger, and now she has noticed that her school opportunities allow her to interact with multiple nationalities right where she is. Caring for her neighbors–those local and those global–will be fueled and funded by her business ventures.

We are proud to announce these two ladies as the recipients of the $1,000 scholarship to aid their college education this fall.

Congratulations, ladies!

They stopped by our office to share their heart and their vision with you. Check it out below!